We All Belong Campaign IVE TEAM

100 Women on the Move held an impressive Luncheon to initiate 102 Women into the Intentional Voter Engagement(IVE) Campaign. A fast-moving agenda included lunch, description of nine ways to engage potential voters, group discussions around the nine modes and call-to-action.
These 102 Women have received invitations to training sessions on their preferred ways to engage potential voters and are well into their IVE Campaign activities. Kudos to Brenda Jackson(MICAH), Rhonda Lindner (Interfaith Voter Campaign) and Anita Johnson (Souls to the Polls) for their leadership!
100 Women on the Move Calendar of Events:
Sunday, March 24: Rally of 100 Women on the Move! and Souls to the Polls for Early Voting at 1pm at Capitol Drive Voting Center (southwest corner of 60th St and W Capitol Dr). Please encourage your friends and family to join!
Thursday, April 11: Second Convening of 100 Women on the Move from 12-1:30pm at Canaan Baptist Church Annex (2964 N. 11th St., Milwaukee). We will meet and have a training session. We will review how to help people register to vote, how to use online voter registration tools, how to help people request absentee ballots, and how to help voters fill out absentee ballots. Please bring your own lunch. Drinks and desserts will be provided.
Thursday, May 22: Third Convening of 100 Women on the Move from 12-1:30pm at central location to be determined. We will meet and have a training session. We will train members on how to present at congregations and help provide you with tools to make your presentations impactful. Please bring your own lunch. Drinks and desserts will be provided.
Wednesday, June 19: Participate in the Milwaukee Juneteenth celebration by helping at our booth and marching in the parade. For details, contact rhonda@thi-milwaukee.org.
Thursday, July 18: Canvassing for August 6 primary from 5-7pm; these times include our pre and post meeting. We will train members on canvassing etiquette and techniques to engage conversation. Canvassing will be for an hour. We plan to meet at Canaan Baptist Church Annex (2964 N. 11th St., Milwaukee)
Sunday, August 4: Participate in Bronzeville Days to encourage early voting. More details to come!
Thursday, October 10: Canvassing for November 5 general election from 5-7pm; these times include our pre and post meeting. Canvassing will be for an hour. Location will be determined closer to the date.
Sunday, October 27: Rally for Early Voting at 12pm at Capitol Drive Voting Center (southwest corner of 60th St and W Capitol Dr)
Questions? E-mail Rhonda Lindner at rhonda@thi-milwaukee.org