We All Belong
We All Belong Rally for Democracy
July 14, 2024 We All Belong Rally for Democracy in Milwaukee, WI, on the eve of the Republican National Convention. Keynote speakers included Amanda Tyler, Christians Against Christian Nationalism; Jim Wallis, Georgetown University Center for Faith & Justice; and Fr. Bryan Massingale, Fordham University Center for Ethics Education. Performances by ValLimar Jansen, international recording artist and composer. Our own MICAH Leaders were the stars of the show!
To find specific sections of the event, check the agenda HERE.
Photo Galleries: Thanks to Mr. Kamal Moon. Please credit him if you use these photos.
Photo Gallery of Saturday’s Press Conference at Fiserv Forum by Kamal Moon
Photo Gallery 2 of Saturday’s Press Conference at Fiserv Forum by Kamal Moon
Photo Gallery of Sunday’s Rally for Democracy by Kamal Moon
Photo Gallery: Thanks to Ms. Yvonne Kemp. Please credit her if you use these photos.
Photo Gallery of Rally for Democracy by Yvonne Kemp
Media Coverage:
Photo Gallery of Saturday’s Press Conference at Fiserv Forum
Photo Gallery of Sunday’s Rally for Democracy
~ Interfaith rally draws hundreds against Christian nationalism ahead of Milwaukee RNC
~ On eve of GOP convention, faith leaders warn against white Christian nationalism
~ Milwaukee religious leaders decry rhetoric of injustice on eve of Republican convention
MICAH Treasurer Kathy Schluter’s Opinion Piece in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
MICAH’s We All Belong Campaign is led by religious leaders of all faiths and is open to anyone who rejects hatred, inequality and oppression, and is willing to work for the “Beloved Community”. In the Beloved Community, all people are valued and respected, and prejudice, oppression and greed are replaced with friendship and goodwill. The campaign launched in August, 2023.
Campaign Goals:
- To educate our congregations and communities about the danger that “christian” nationalism poses to our democracy and to our deeply held faith values.
- To organize around Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s Beloved Community – a society in which all people are valued and respected, and prejudice, oppression and greed are replaced with friendship and goodwill. In the Beloved Community, care and compassion drive political policies, and the intrinsic worth of all people is embraced

Campaign Themes:
- Protect Democracy
Our American democracy is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. It guarantees liberty and justice for all Americans. As people of faith, we understand Americans to include indigenous people, the original inhabitants of this land, as well as those who were forcibly brought to America and enslaved, and those who came as immigrants and workers. We believe America is stronger when justice, wealth, opportunity and representation are available to all Americans, rather than to an elite few.
- Reject “Christian” Nationalism
“Christian” nationalism is an ideology that merges Christian and American identities and, in doing so, distorts the Christian Gospel and the values of equality that guide our nation. Jesus commanded his followers to “love your neighbor as yourself” and defined ‘neighbor’ to include the poor and marginalized. Other religious faiths have similar teachings. Our democracy was founded on the rule of law, equal representation and separation of church and state. In contrast, “christian” nationalism would create a state religion and place social control, economic wealth, and political power in a favored elite and religious class. “christian” nationalism often overlaps with and provides cover for white supremacy, racial and gender subjugation, and religious intolerance. It would fundamentally alter our society and government and must be rejected. - Build the Beloved Community
As people of faith and as Americans, we believe in what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called the ‘Beloved Community.’ Beloved Community works for the betterment of all Americans. It respects the value of every human being, celebrates diversity, and supports equity and inclusion. It stands with those who others would exclude. We seek to build this Beloved Community for the many races, faiths, cultures, and ways of life that together make up this nation.


For more information, or to arrange a training session, contact us at WeAllBelong@wisdomwisconsin.org.
Rev. Al Sharpton, local religious leaders to rally against white Christian nationalism ahead of RNC
City and County Pass We All Belong Resolutions!
We All Belong Campaign Integrated Voter Engagement(IVE) Team